Member Benefits
AGC Houston is a full service membership organization providing more than 500 member companies with access to advocacy, networking opportunities, safety services, and education and training programs.
An AGC Houston membership automatically enrolls your company in Associated General Contractors of America, providing additional valuable benefits and access to resources and training. Our membership includes general contractors, specialty contractors, associates (suppliers) and affiliates (professional services firms). AGC Houston’s membership territory reaches 24 counties and our members represent a $2.3 billion market.
Discount Programs – Sometimes the savings realized from the discount programs alone can pay your membership dues several times over. We offer discounts on everything from cars to temporary power service, workers' comp insurance safety group, and a 401(k) plan. Through AGC of America, members receive discounts in four categories: general business solutions, industry specific discounts, travel and finally vehicles and fuel programs.
Information & Professional Development
Content is a key component to why members join the chapter and why they continue to participate year after year. AGC provides a rich offering of networking events and training programs for both professional and jobsite employees. Events and classes are provided at significant savings to current AGC Houston members and are posted online in our monthly calendar.
Business & Networking Opportunities
Member Events – Through a myriad of events that bring together members and industry partners, AGC Houston helps to broaden your connections to the commercial construction industry.
Committees – AGC is an association run by members, not staff. Our association’s mission is accomplished directly by member support. Serving on a committee is one of the most efficient ways to get involved with AGC leaders and representatives of our industry.
Member Events
- Quarterly Member Mixers
- Membership Orientations
- Annual AGC Champions Golf Tournament
- Construction Leadership Council (CLC) events include: happy hour mixers, golf tournament and poker tournament
- Annual BBQ Cook-Off
- Annual Chapter Business Meeting (with keynote address and state of the economy)
- Annual Mid-Year Safety meeting (with keynote address)
- Biennial APEX Awards
- Annual Government Affairs Committee events include: Annual Advocacy Breakfast, legislative briefings and annual sporting clays tournament
AGC Select 401(k) Plan
Beginning with just a few companies in 2010, this plan has grown to 150+ companies throughout the country. AGC Chapters in the plan: AGC Houston, Louisiana AGC, Chicagoland AGC, AGC Virginia, AGC of Colorado, CentexAGC, Austin AGC, San Antonio AGC, AGC of West Texas, AGC of Southeast Texas, South Texas AGC, Rio Grand Valley AGC.
CompGroup AGC
Benefit from financial strength and superior loss control program. Managed by a board comprised of CompGroup AGC members – Texas-based General Contractors and Subcontractors, it is a TDI approved Workers Compensation Purchasing Group.
Benefits Include:
- Discount – the benefit of the purchasing power of millions of workers’ comp dollars to give you the best premium discount.
- Claims Management – aggressively managed claims ensure that injured employees are paid promptly and fairly and fraudulent claims are dealt with accordingly.
- Loss Control – Safety plays a large role in this program. Members receive job site loss control visits to assist in controlling claims.
- Dividend – Dividends are available to members based upon a Program then Individual loss ratio. Under Texas law, dividends cannot be guaranteed, until they have been declared.

What more information? Contact your insurance agent and request CompGroup AGC quote or the Program Administrator, Roberts & Crow at 800-406-9614 – ask for Julie Schatz.
Reliant Energy Discount Program
Setting up electrical service at a site is one of the tedious details you have to handle before you can start work on a project. Let Reliant's program for AGC Texas Building Branch ( make it a lot easier.
The program provides the following to AGC members throughout Texas:
- A dedicated representative
- Concierge service
- Industry support
- Special pricing

Want more information? Call 1-855-350-8656 or visit us at for more information.
National Purchasing Partners
AGC Houston has teamed up with NPP to bring you discount pricing on wireless service, travel, office and maintenance supplies and more. Access products and services, while leveraging the power of group purchasing, to get valuable discounts for your business, employees and yourself. Membership is free and NPP negotiates the rates, and makes them available to AGC members.
How to Sign Up:
- Visit MYNPP
- Click "Join Now"
- Select "Company" then "Commercial Construction"
- Complete the registration form
For NPP Customer Service: call 800.810.3909 or email [email protected]
To Learn More Contact:
Communications & Publications
AGC Houston offers a wide variety of useful resources for the construction industry through collaboration with members and industry partners who contribute time, energy and knowledge and serve on committees.

This school construction cost report is the result of a collaboration between members of the Associated General Contractors of America, Houston Chapter (AGC) and members of the Association for Learning Environments, Gulf Coast Chapter (A4LE).
The goal of this report is to provide information to assist local school districts in planning for their construction projects.
Houston Area Wage Survey
Every three years, AGC Houston and other area commercial construction trade associations and councils collaborate on a local craft wage survey. The results of the survey include average hourly rate, average health & welfare, average pension, average vacation, and average package.
Texas Survey
- 2023 US & Texas Construction Outlook
- 2023 Construction Outlook (Texas results)
January 2023 US and Texas Construction Outlook by Ken Simonson, Chief Economist, AGC of America